When it comes to car smells, most people can readily identify new car smell or their favorite air freshener. Sometimes, you’re greeted by a different sort of car smell. What causes mildew and musty smells in your car? More importantly, how do you get rid of musty car smells?
The sense of smell is remarkable, able to detect some 10,000 different odors. Depending on the origin and the person, these can range from pleasant aromas to unpleasant odors. Fortunately, the human sense of smell isn’t nearly as acute as most animals’ sense of smell – where we might smell a rotten apple in a barrel of good apples, a dog could smell a rotten apple in a warehouse of good apples. When all these come together, you smell something. If your car smells like a gym when you open the door, whether you work out or not, it’s likely none too pleasant.
Musty smells and mildew smells are caused by colonies of fungus releasing their reproductive spores into the air. Such car smells can usually be traced to excess moisture, over 50 percent relative humidity, providing the perfect breeding ground for these microorganisms. Add heat – mold grows best between 77 °F and 120 °F – and your car is the perfect place to raise a nation of mold and mildew colonies. Mold usually lives in porous materials, like leather, foam, felt, and paper, while mildew usually grows on non-porous surfaces, such as vinyl and plastic. What might give mold and mildew a place to live in your car?
Besides being offensive and possibly embarrassing, musty smells might even cause allergic reactions, but is there a way to remove mildew smells from your car? Even better, is there a way to remove musty smells from your car without using harsh chemicals?
Because it’s a living organism, though microscopic, the only way to stop mildew smells is to stop its growth – you can’t just cover up car smells with an air freshener. There are two basic steps to remove musty smells from your car.
A great way to remove lingering musty smells in your whole car, after you’ve cleaned everything out, is to blast it with Turtle Wax ODOR-X Whole Car Blast Kinetic. The fine mist circulates through the whole car, under seats, in the air conditioning system, even inside door and roof panels, eliminating musty smells in just a few minutes.
Now that your car is clean and fresh, mold and mildew evicted, how do you keep musty smells from returning? Because mold needs heat, humidity, and food, eliminating these will keep mold and mildew from moving back in.
Truly, the sense of smell is a wonder, with which we can smell the morning brew, evening snifter, significant other, even detect danger. Car smells can be pleasing or displeasing, too, but using the right products can eliminate musty smells from your car and prevent mildew smells from returning.
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