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Hybrid Solutions Scratch Repair Kit with Clear-Coat Fill & Seal Technology is an all-in-one solution that repairs & renews clear-coat paint imperfections delivering body shop results.
The premium clarifying compound uses Precision Platelet Technology to safely polish paint surface and blend the repair area. The self-levelling clear hard coat easily wipes on for instant gloss & restores paint uniformity. This easy-to-use, hand applied solution will save you hundreds of dollars in body shop repairs.
Wash and dry the area to be repaired.
Apply paint clarifying compound to a small cotton or microfiber cloth. Wrap cloth around first two fingers, use firm finger pressure to rub back and forth 30 times on the damaged and surrounding area to remove whiteness of surface damage and restore paint transparency.
Wipe off residue. The polish will also remove oxidation , embedded contaminants, and prepare the surface for the wipe on clear coat.
Wrap two layers of applicator cloth around foam block.
Apply clear coat to the applicator cloth (enough to wet the surface, but not dripping wet).
Starting several inches away from the damage, wipe with a light back and forth motion in the same direction of the scratch or scuffed area.
Make sure to wipe the clear coat several inches past the repair area with reduced pressure. Damaged area will "disappear" if coating is correctly applied.
Allow 24 hours to cure before touching or polishing repair and surrounding areas. Wipe on clear coat will remain extremely glossy.
If desired, use premium clarifying compound to blend repair with the surrounding paint.
You have a few minutes of work time for spreading the clear coat to make sure repair is free of streaks. If needed, add more product to applicator and apply. Product can be wiped off within two minutes of application if needed, and reapplied if additional prep work is required to get an invisible repair.
Clear coat can be wiped on and immediately wiped off to conceal light scratches, surface defects and road rash. Use a non-linting microfiber towel. Coating is dry to the touch in 2 hours. Instruction videos can be found by scanning the QR code on package.
16.0 fl oz
14.0 fl oz
16.0 fl oz
48.0 fl oz
23.0 fl oz
32.0 fl oz
26.0 fl oz
14.0 fl oz
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